The Highway Code is essential reading for everyone. Its rules apply to all road users: pedestrians, horseriders and cyclists, as well as motorcyclists and drivers. If you do not know the Highway Code rule number or section you are looking for use the Highway Code search box on the left above the menu. The copy of the Highway Code and supplementary notes have been reproduced here as an aid to anyone learning to drive for their sole private study. See copyright message at the bottom of this page for further restructures.
Highway Code Plus
the Law
Rules for pedestians
Rules for users of powered wheelchairs and powered mobility scooters
Rules about animals
Rules for cyclists
Rules for motorcyclists
Rules for drivers and motorcyclists
General rules, techniques and advice
Using the road
Road users requiring extra care
Driving in adverse weather conditions
Waiting and parking
Breakdowns and incidents
Road works
Railway level crossings
Road & Vehicle markings
Supplementary Notes
the Law
Rules for pedestians
Rules for users of powered wheelchairs and powered mobility scooters
Rules about animals
Rules for cyclists
Rules for motorcyclists
Rules for drivers and motorcyclists
General rules, techniques and advice
Using the road
Road users requiring extra care
Driving in adverse weather conditions
Waiting and parking
Breakdowns and incidents
Road works
Railway level crossings
Road & Vehicle markings
Supplementary Notes

The supplementary study notes cover the extra information, not currently covered in The Highway Code that you need to pass the theory test.
Copyright message The Highway Code Plus is reproduced under the terms of Crown Copyright Policy Guidance issued by HMSO and the Queen’s Printer in Scotland. Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the controller of HMSO under licence number C02W2221233. All rights reserved. No part of these web pages may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by an means: electric, electrostatic, internet, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopy, recording, www. or otherwise without the permission in writing from HMSO’s copyright unit.